AIRAC 2204Mubarak Ahmed 2022-04-24 19:52:13 UTC
Changes from the previous version are as follows
- Nil
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2204
- Nil
The beta package is now integrated into production and therefore removed. This version requires a full install so an update package is not provided. Before installing this sector version download and install the latest Euroscope beta (r33) released on 2nd January 2022.
AIRAC 2203Mubarak Ahmed 2022-03-25 20:59:10 UTC
Changes from the previous version are shown below
- [FREETEXT] Added missing taxiways to OEDF
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC2203
- [PLUGINS] Updated TopSky to 2.4 beta 6
- [PLUGINS] Updated RouteChecker routes
- [ASR] Updated ASR for OERK
- [GEO] New Ground Layout for OERK
NOTE: No update package is included with release. This requires a full clean install of the sector file!
This in a mandatory update and older versions of the sector file will no longer be supported!
AIRAC 2202Mubarak Ahmed 2022-02-24 17:19:24 UTC
Changes from the previous version are shown below
- Nil
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC2202
- [PLUGINS] Updated TopSky to 2.4 beta 5
- [PLUGINS] Updated RouteChecker routes
- Nil
NOTE: No update package is included with release. This requires a full clean install of the sector file!
This in a mandatory update and older versions of the sector file will no longer be supported!
AIRAC 2201Suprojit Paul 2022-02-06 12:54:24 UTC
Changes from the previous version are shown below
- Nil
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC2201
- [ALIAS] Updated aliases
- [PLUGINS] Updated TopSky to 2.4 beta 4
- [PLUGINS] Implemented ARBControllerPack which includes timer and route checker (functional) as well as automatic stand assignment and slot plugin (to be implemented in future release)
NOTE: No update package is included with release. This requires a full clean install of the sector file!
This in a mandatory update and older versions of the sector file will no longer be supported!
AIRAC 2112Suprojit Paul 2021-12-03 18:10:42 UTC
WIP release of new Saudi vACC sector. Changes detailed below.
- Nil
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC2112
- Nil
The update package should only be used if your currently installed version is AIRAC2107 or later. If you have a version older than this you must perform a full clean install, otherwise the sector may not work correctly!
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2109Suprojit Paul 2021-09-20 17:13:46 UTC
WIP release of new Saudi vACC sector. Changes detailed below.
- [ASR] Fixed ACC profile not loading ASRs correctly
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC2109
- Nil
The update package should only be used if your currently installed version is AIRAC2107 or later. If you have a version older than this you must perform a full clean install, otherwise the sector may not work correctly!
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2108Suprojit Paul 2021-08-14 08:42:51 UTC
WIP release of new Saudi vACC sector. Changes detailed below.
- [ASR] Fixed Tower tags showing on Approach ASRs by default
- [SECTOR] Fixed erroneous Gassim TMA definition
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC2108
- [SETTINGS] Adjusted symbology to make tags easier to read and to more closely match real world radar display.
- [ASR] Updated various ASRs
- [PLUGINS] Updated TopSky to 2.4 beta 2
- [SECTORS] Added MRVA definitions for OEGS, OEHL
- [ASR] Added Gassim ASRs
- [PROFILE] Added Gassim profile
The update package should only be used if your currently installed version is AIRAC2107 or later. If you have a version older than this you must perform a full clean install, otherwise the sector may not work correctly!
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2107Suprojit Paul 2021-07-26 14:54:30 UTC
WIP release of new Saudi vACC sector. Changes detailed below.
- [SECTOR] Fixed visibility centres for ACC sectors
- [SETTINGS] Fixed compatibility issues with latest Euroscope beta
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC2107
- [SECTOR] Updated COPX points for Muscat FIR
- [ASR] Updated various ASRs
- [PLUGINS] Updated special use airspace definitions
- Nil
The update package should only be used if your currently installed version is AIRAC2106 or later. If you have a version older than this you must perform a full clean install, otherwise the sector may not work correctly!
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2106Suprojit Paul 2021-06-05 21:07:26 UTC
WIP release of new Saudi vACC sector. Changes detailed below.
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC2106
- [SECTOR] Updated Madinah TMA definitions
- [PLUGINS[ Updated special use airspace definitions
- Nil
The update package should only be used if your currently installed version is AIRAC2012 or later. If you have a version older than this you must perform a full clean install, otherwise the sector may not work correctly!
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2102Suprojit Paul 2021-02-22 22:02:53 UTC
WIP release of new Saudi vACC sector. Changes detailed below.
- [SETTINGS] Fixed several tag issues
- [PROFILE] Fixed ASR fast keys in Jeddah bandbox profile
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC2102
- [SETTINGS] Updated symbology
- [SETTINGS] Updated lists
- [PLUGINS] Updated Topsky to 2.3.1 Beta 5
- [PLUGINS] Updated list colours for DEL, GND and TWR
- Nil
The update package should only be used if your currently installed version is AIRAC2012 or later. If you have a version older than this you must perform a full clean install, otherwise the sector may not work correctly!
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.