AMDT 08/2022 AIRAC 2208Rashid Raikhy 2022-08-10 19:53:32 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2208.
- [GROUNDLAYOUT] Lahore (OPLA) runway 36R operational with Taxiway A, and Q back in service.
- [GROUNDLAYOUT] Skardu (OPSD) layout updated. Taxiway D added.
AMDT 07/2022 AIRAC 2206Rashid Raikhy 2022-06-16 11:59:50 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2206.
Note: The use of any files before this release of AMDT 07/2022, AIRAC 2206 must be discontinued.
No update package is included with this release. This requires a full clean install of the sector files!
AMDT 06/2022 AIRAC 2205Rashid Raikhy 2022-05-19 15:11:32 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2205.
Note: The use of any files before this release of AMDT 06/2022, AIRAC 2205 must be discontinued.
No update package is included with this release. This requires a full clean install of the sector files!
AMDT 05/2022 AIRAC 2204Rashid Raikhy 2022-04-21 19:28:49 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2204.
- [PLUGINS] TopSky Plugin updated to version 2.4 beta 7.
Note: The use of any files before this release of AMDT 05/2022, AIRAC 2204 must be discontinued.
No update package is included with this release. This requires a full clean install of the sector files!
AMDT 04/2022 AIRAC 2203Rashid Raikhy 2022-03-24 16:00:01 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2203.
- [PLUGINS] TopSky Plugin updated to version 2.4 beta 6.
- [LISTS] Sector Entry, Exit, and Departure lists re-configured.
Note: The use of any files before this release of AMDT 04/2022, AIRAC 2203 must be discontinued.
No update package is included with this release. This requires a full clean install of the sector files!
AMDT 03/2022 AIRAC 2202Dallon Pereira 2022-02-28 09:01:06 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2202.
- [PLUGINS] TopSky Plugin updated to version 2.4 beta 5.
- [LISTS] Sector Entry, Exit, and Departure lists re-configured.
- [PLUGINS] EuroScope Timer (ES Timer) Plugin added.
Note: The use of any files before this release of AMDT 03/2022 AIRAC 2202 must be discontinued.
No update package is included with this release. This requires a full clean install of the sector files!
AMDT 02/2022 AIRAC 2201Dallon Pereira 2022-01-28 10:37:10 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2201.
- [ALIAS] Revised alias.
- [CONFIG] Non-Topsky Config removed.
- [GROUNDLAYOUT] Lahore (OPLA) Taxiway closure markings added as per NOTAM A0056.
- [GROUNDLAYOUT] Skardu (OPSD) layout updated.
- [PLUGINS] vSMR CTD error fixed.
Note: The use of any files before this release of AMDT 02/2022 AIRAC 2201 must be discontinued.
No update package is included with this release. This requires a full clean install of the sector files!
AMDT 01/2022 AIRAC 2113Muhammad Abdullah 2022-01-11 22:11:27 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2113.
- [ALIAS] Revised alias.
- [LISTS] Sector Entry, Exit, and Departure lists re-configured.
Note: The use of any files before this release of AMDT 01/2022 AIRAC 2113 must be discontinued.
No update package is included with this release. This requires a full clean install of the sector files!
AMDT 03/2021 AIRAC 2112Muhammad Abdullah 2021-12-04 12:32:16 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2112.
- [ALIAS] Revised alias.
- [PLUGINS] vSMR updated to version 1.5
- [PLUGINS] TopSky cursor changed to arrow from cross.
- [LISTS] Sector Entry, Exit, and Departure lists re-configured.
- [LISTS] Missing Scratchpad function added.
- [PLUGINS] vSMR stand assignment bug fixed.
- [PLUGINS] TopSky CPDLC auto-login error fixed.
Note: The use of any files before the release of AMDT 02/2021 AIRAC 2111 must be discontinued.
No update package is included with this release. This requires a full clean install of the sector files!
ADMT 02/2021 AIRAC 2111Dallon Pereira 2021-11-11 11:55:59 UTC
This is a complete combined release of OPKR & OPLR FIRs within GNG. The use of any previous files associated with the purpose of controlling Pakistan's airspace should be discontinued.
- [SECTOR] Complete redesign of airspace structure and sector ownership.
- [MISC] Adjusted display area.
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2111.
- [SECTOR] Added new ground layouts throughout Pakistan.
- [SECTOR] Updated SMR displays + freetext data.
- [SECTOR] Corrected sector definitions.
- [SECTOR] Updated sector limits.
- [SECTOR] Defined accurate sector splits as per AIP.
- [SECTOR] Updated magnetic variations.
- [SECTOR] Fixed position callsigns and frequencies.
- [PLUGINS] Updated vSMR with new profiles.
- [SETTINGS] Realistic symbology pack.
- [SOUNDS] New sounds added.
- [ALIAS] Revised alias.
- [ASR] New ASR files defined.
- [STATIONS] Updated positions and frequencies.
- [REGIONS] New color scheme.
- [PLUGINS] TopSky plugin implemented.
- [PLUGINS] Restricted, Prohibited areas added (Triggered by TopSky).
- [PLUGINS] MAESTRO plugin implemented.
- [PLUGINS] SMTimer plugin implemented
- [TAGS] Updated tag families.
Note: No update package is included with this release. This requires a full clean install of the sector files!