AIRAC 2004 v2Chriss Klosowski 2020-04-03 13:44:09 UTC
- Shanwick Positions
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
NOTE: Update & Install Package include the same files. Copy and replace.
AIRAC 2004Chriss Klosowski 2020-04-01 09:20:27 UTC
- Sector display parameters changes
- Fixed the sector ownership. Controllers controlling a single track must now go to the sector ownership setup, select all the Gander Oceanic sectors (CZQXO) and in the dropdown select the appropriate controller callsign. Once set click ok and your sector should be as normal.
- Lowered the coastline detail to reduce "lag"
- Fixed position data
- Updated the euroNAT plugin. NAT Tracks will now properly show.
- Alias file has been updated and fixed.
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
NOTE: Update & Install Package include the same files. Copy and replace.
AIRAC 1911 - Cross the Pond UpdateChriss Klosowski 2019-10-26 08:18:40 UTC
- Cross the Pond NATs added
- Fixed tag issues and added a new tag set
- Symbology changes
- Frequency double check
- Disabled euroNAT to draw on the screen to not show duplicate/confusing tracks when controlling
- Alias fix
NOTE: Update & Install Package include the same files. Copy and replace.
Initial AeroNav GNG Release | 1911Chriss Klosowski 2019-10-24 21:52:56 UTC
Initial release with GNG.
Subscribe to the Newsletter (top right corner), so you get informed about new releases directly by mail. An update is issued approximately every 28 days (according to AIRAC cycle). The file can also be downloaded via the Euroscope in-built update function (ensure previously that you have updated the files 'EuroScope main sector file provider' and 'AeroNav GNG Sector File Provider').
Main changes:
- Complete redesign of airspace structure and sector ownership. Proper hand-off indication issued.
- Updated alias redesign
- Updated profiles
- Updated Positions/Frequencies and ready for Audio for VATSIM (AFV)
- Current navigation data
- Current aircraft type, airport and airline data (local VAs may be added)
Sectorfile can be installed anywhere you like. Doesn't matter where it is anymore. Any issues please report to or