Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1505Jonas Kuster 2015-04-30 18:23:38 UTC
- LSZH/LSMD: ownership shared CTR airspace
- LFEE: new alternative ownership profile when LFFF_CTR covers LFEE UIR/FIR
- Alias.txt: new commands added
The update package contains only the files which have changed its content since the previous release. This may cause the reset of some personal settings but provide you an equal setting as with a completely new installation.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1504Jonas Kuster 2015-04-17 19:13:06 UTC
- Owners LSZA_TWR: only LSAS_CTR can inherit owner rights, LIMM_X only for ARR/DEP
- Alternative ownership for delivery stations
- LSMP: Station (frequency) and VFR reporting points added (ground layout not yet available)
- LSZH: Ownership ground stations (S/N-Apron), taxiways B/L west of RWY 16/34 are primary owned by Ground/Tower
- LSZH: CTR 2 implemented (active when RWY 34 selected)
- LSGS: New ground layout and definition of GND/TWR AoR, new VFR reporting points and first radio contact points added
- Nativ CTRs/TMAs/FIZ added for all Swiss Airports, arrival/departure list and METAR list work now correctly according all owned/covered airspaces
- New (graphical) AoR definitions according owned airspace
- New squawk ranges: LSZH (6700-6727), LSGG (6730-6747), Other (6750-6757), LSAS (6760-6777)
- Alias.txt: new commands added
- 1_CTR.asr: new AoRs added
- 2_APP.asr: most important STARs pre-selected
- 3_TWR.asr: VFR reporting points and routes
- 4_GND.asr: VFR reporting points and routes
The update package contains only the files which have changed its content since the previous release. This may cause the reset of some personal settings but provide you an equal setting as with a completely new installation.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1503Jonas Kuster 2015-03-04 21:59:54 UTC
- Eurocontrol Frequencies re-added
- Ownership with both LSZH Apron North and South online
- VFR reporting points LSGS
- VFR reporting points and routes LSZB
- VFR reporting points LSZH
- TMA LSZC withdrawn
- STARs LSGS added
- Alias.txt: new commands added
- 3_TWR.asr: VFR reporting points and routes
- 4_GND.asr: VFR reporting points and routes
The update package contains only the files which have changed content since AIRAC 1501. This may cause the reset of some personal settings.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1501Jonas Kuster 2015-01-08 20:13:13 UTC
- Alias file path in .prf
- Simulation mode in 4_GND asr file
- Special characters in files VoiceChannels.txt, airlines.txt and airports.txt
- AP elevation Olten added
- Freq LSMD_TWR > 118.970
- Freq LSPM_I_TWR > 118.520
- Screen.txt: SEL, SIL, DEP lists connected set OFF > all lists can be moved independently
- Symbology.txt: color datablock non-concerned > grey
- Symbology.txt: colors added for datablock arrivals/departures
- Symbology.txt: new color ARTCC low boundary (CTRs), may be changed for all CTRs now individually
- Symbology.txt: Standard color 'msaw' changed
- Tags.txt: Tag families adapted for simulator use (assume by mentor)
- Alias.txt: Complete review, various new commands added
The update package contains only the files which have changed content since AIRAC 1413. This may cause the reset of some personal settings.