Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1613Jonas Kuster 2016-12-11 15:27:22 UTC
- Alias
- Update ground layout LSGG for radar display (=default) view, congruent with SMR layout
The update package contains only the files which necessarily have to be replaced. No setting files (for individual settings) will be overwritten. The provided updated setting files have to be copied manually from the full package in case you want to use them.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1612r2Jonas Kuster 2016-11-20 14:03:50 UTC
- Alias (v1.4r2)
The update package contains only the files which necessarily have to be replaced. No setting files (for individual settings) will be overwritten. The provided updated setting files have to be copied manually from the full package in case you want to use them.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1612Jonas Kuster 2016-11-10 21:07:08 UTC
- Next controller proposal for Zurich APP improved
- Improvement of AoRs LSME/LSMD/LSZH, automatic display of military sectors
- Internal AoRs Zurich APP revised
- Top-Down coverage of LSMD by Zurich APP implemented
- Alias (v1.4)
- New Frequency: Emmen Radar 119.500
- Frequency withdrawn: Sion Precision Radar 122.350
The update package contains only the files which necessarily have to be replaced. No setting files (for individual settings) will be overwritten. The provided updated setting files have to be copied manually from the full package in case you want to use them.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1611Jonas Kuster 2016-10-18 16:30:53 UTC
- COP Italy/Switzerland revised according LoA V3
The update package contains only the files which necessarily have to be replaced. No setting files (for individual settings) will be overwritten. The provided updated setting files have to be copied manually from the full package in case you want to use them.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1610Jonas Kuster 2016-09-28 20:04:08 UTC
- Symbology: minor corrections
- Ownership: order of different LSAS stations for LSGS/LSGC/LSMP
- Drawing of major TMAs and A9 revised
- CTA boundary added
- MCA freetext for major TMAs
- Ownership: revision for LSZH/LSMD taking into account different runway concepts of LSZH
- Coverage of LSMD by LSZH_APP can be choosen using ownership setups (folder Other)
- Alias: revision 1.3 (see Quick Ref document)
The update package contains only the files which necessarily have to be replaced. No setting files (for individual settings) will be overwritten. The provided updated setting files have to be copied manually from the full package in case you want to use them.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1609Jonas Kuster 2016-08-22 12:09:10 UTC
- COPX: LIMM FIR inbound
- EDNY: VFR reporting point E renamed O
- Plugins removed: CallSign, HoldingList, VerticalSpeed
- New plugins EasyTag and AdvancedHolding
- Revised tag families (vACC-CH-GND/-TWR/-APP/-CTR imitating skyguide systems)
- Additional tag families MW (provided by Mike Welten)
- Revised ASR profiles (cleaned up, displaying only necessary contents)
- Specific vSMR profiles for LSGG and LSZH (replacing the general SMR ASR)
- Revised lists (including vSMR items, imitating skyguide systems)
- Symbology updated (symbols and colors changed according skyguide systems as far as practicable)
- Settings updated for ES V3.2r12
- Alias: revision 1.2 (see Quick Ref document)
The update package contains only the files which necessarily have to be replaced. No setting files (for individual settings) will be overwritten. The provided updated setting files have to be copied manually from the full package in case you want to use them.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1608Jonas Kuster 2016-08-05 15:28:42 UTC
- New frequency: Bern Delivery
The update package contains only the files which necessarily have to be replaced. No setting files (for individual settings) will be overwritten. The provided updated setting files have to be copied manually from the full package in case you want to use them.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1607Jonas Kuster 2016-06-25 15:37:19 UTC
- Alias: autotext messages for approach clearances
- SMR LSGG: taxiway colors according real system
- New ground layout LSZA
The update package contains only the files which necessarily have to be replaced. No setting files (for individual settings) will be overwritten. The provided updated setting files have to be copied manually from the full package in case you want to use them.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1606Jonas Kuster 2016-06-03 16:26:13 UTC
- Alias: minor corrections, Quick Reference document updated
- New SMR ground layouts to be used with the vSMR plugin (check to load the plugin)
- New ASR profile for SMR ground layouts (Install-Package only)
- Ground layouts LSGG/LSZH divided in subgroups for more individual display settings
The update package contains only the files which necessarily have to be replaced. No setting files (for individual settings) will be overwritten. The provided updated setting files have to be copied manually from the full package in case you want to use them.
Fixes/Changes AIRAC 1605Jonas Kuster 2016-05-03 20:59:29 UTC
- Alias complete revised, including Quick Reference document
The update package contains only the files which necessarily have to be replaced. No setting files (for individual settings) will be overwritten. The provided updated setting files have to be copied manually from the full package in case you want to use them.