AIRAC 2006Jonas Kuster 2020-05-23 09:17:16 UTC
- COPX for outbounds LSZH to EDMM
- COPX for Milano area inbounds
- Route waypoints for traffic on STAR/APP to LSZH RWY 28
- Alias
AIRAC 2005Jonas Kuster 2020-04-23 22:20:37 UTC
- Display lines LSGG APP and LSZH APP
- Settings for FP List to avoid performance issue with a lot of clients connected
- improved COPX for LSGG DEP and LSZH APP
- VoiceChannels setting file temporary removed from Update-Package
AIRAC 2004Jonas Kuster 2020-03-27 18:57:03 UTC
- COPX definitions
- AoR Corrections Schluchsee
- Release Boxes South
- VFR Routes LSZH (outbound) available in SID selection
- Adjustment of ARFA AoR (additional airspace in the northeast corner)
- vSMR plugin update
- Updated SMR ground layout LSZH
- VAM profile and plugin
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named different than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2002Jonas Kuster 2020-02-02 15:08:24 UTC
- Squawk code assignment settings
- handover levels
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named different than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2001Jonas Kuster 2020-01-02 08:16:58 UTC
- Improved automatic sorting/display of flight plans
- AoR Zurich APP region Schluchsee
- AoR Boundaries Zurich-Reims
- Additional internal COP
- Correlation settings changed
- LSGG: KONIL SIDs + transition to SOSAL added to SID list
- AFV all antennas added and configured
- Tags for CTR
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named different than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 1904Jonas Kuster 2019-04-07 19:46:53 UTC
- various SID designators
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named different than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 1901Jonas Kuster 2019-01-06 20:19:36 UTC
- LoD Alps
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named different than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 1813Jonas Kuster 2018-12-26 14:44:13 UTC
- Alias QuickRef
- Sector boundaries Geneva/Reims/Paris ACC
- Sector boundaries Zurich ACC (lower)
- MVA ARFA added
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named different than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 1811Jonas Kuster 2018-10-15 20:24:31 UTC
- ASR profiles updated for LSGG new RWY designator 04/22
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named different than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 1810Jonas Kuster 2018-09-14 12:55:29 UTC
- COP definitions according new SOP LSZH V5
- New RWY designator LSGG (04/22)
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named different than the ones provided with this package.