ESLTXX TRvACC-Full-Package2413 / 0192025-02-25 19:46:44Zip7z

AIRAC 2413Hazar Uymaz   2024-12-27 13:19:35 UTC
GRP profiles revised.
Mode-S Tags updated to replica of Level-3 A-SMGCS.
Colours revised

VCH plugin removed.

vATIS new beta is out, please remove the old one then install new beta from
New profiles can be installed from LTXX/Plugins/vATIS.
New Profile offers auto update the profile so you only need to import once!

LTFM Sectors changed.
Main sectors without middle letter removed.
New Sectors:
LTFM_W_TWR (Main Sector 16/34)
LTFM_C_TWR (Main Sector 17/35)
LTFM_E_TWR (Main Sector 18/36)
LTFM_W_GND (Main Sector West of Terminal)
LTFM_E_GND (Main Sector East of Terminal)
LTFM_TW_GND (Main Sector West Terminal)
LTFM_TE_GND (Main Sector East Terminal)
LTFM_DEL (Regular Delivery)
LTFM_FMP (Flow Manager Position, no ATC service, only controlls the flow!)
If other subsectors are offline these sectors control whole airport, be careful to choose sector you want to control when other subsectors are online!
LTFJ Sectors also edited so LTFJ_N_GND/TWR or LTFJ_S_GND/TWR controls whole airport when subsectors are offline.

vSID plugin added. Please read
Plugin do not start automatically, if you are having empty lines on departure list, open runway dialog box and close. Plugin reloads itself each time open and close runway dialog box.
Read wiki carefully, in order to synchronise clearance flag, clear to land flag, status (PB, TX, DEP) first station controlls the airport must type .vsid sync so station coming after them can see the requests!
AIRAC 2411Hazar Uymaz   2024-10-31 19:31:45 UTC
SMART.prf added
SMART is only for ACC-APP and replica of real tags and lists.
I currently don't have time to create a manual for it so all I can do is and I'll put a manual of the real system.
Basically tags and list layout changed and optimized for better control.
LTFJ_TWR & LTFJ_GND removed.
LTFJ_N_TWR -> Main Tower
LTFJ_S_TWR -> Controls 06R/24L
LTFJ_N_GND -> Main Ground
LTFJ_S_GND -> Controls Apron 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
Do not open "S" sectors if N is offline.
I didn't add any sector lines because I don't have time right now but It's easy. You can find the sector map below.
LTBJ_APP (134.200) and LTBJ_F_APP (119.450) frequencies switched.
DCL format updated for Toliss aircrafts.
LTAI several taxiway names updated.
vATIS profiles updated LTXX/Plugin/vATIS
AIRAC 2409Hazar Uymaz   2024-10-31 19:31:10 UTC
Update TRvACC Alias.txt
Taxiway E2 for LTAI
LTDB stands added
AI623 text added
B13 Taxiway added at LTFM, Stand 101-106 added at LTAJ
Info Line updated on LTFM_3_TWR
LTBJ_F_APP Profile added
LTFM_DEL updated
New Shortcuts added, Detailed info at
AIRAC 2408 Mid updateHazar Uymaz   2024-10-31 19:30:53 UTC
- LTDB Ground Layout and Stars Added.
- ILS Z for both runways, DONT USE RNAV SIDs/STARs due to GPS Block. Conventional SIDs/STARs will be used and either use Procedure or radar vector for Approach.
- Neighbour frequencies added into sectorfile they will appear when neighbour is online.
- LTAI and LTFJ Ground Layouts updated, NOTAM's revised.
AIRAC 2408Hazar Uymaz   2024-10-31 19:30:35 UTC
- LTFE STAR Colours change to prevent confusion.
- LTAI ILS Z 18L Active.