AIRAC 2307Hazar Uymaz   2023-12-28 18:55:08 UTC
DCL Fixed for LTFM and LTAI
LTAI Taxiways Revised
AIRAC 2306Hazar Uymaz   2023-06-15 23:32:17 UTC
**Major Updates:**

TopSky version updated from 2.4 to 2.5 Beta 2. [For detailed guide check LTXX\Plugins\TopSky ACC-APP\Documentation\Controller\Setup B (COOPANS)]
LTBA_APP and subsectors removed
IST_APP and subsectors added.
LTBA_F_APP => IST_SWD_APP (West Director controlling all director sectors if they are offline).
IST_SEC_APP - New Sector
IST_SED_APP - New Sector
IST_SEF_APP - New Sector
IST_SEN_APP - New Sector
IST_SES_APP - New Sector
IST_SWF_APP - New Sector
IST_SWN_APP - New Sector
IST_SWS_APP - New Sector
AIRAC Updates:

**LTAI SIDs Revised:**

RWY 36C SID Designator changed from "1B" to "1W".

RWY 36R SID Designator changed from "1C" to "1X"

LTAI STARs Revised:

Altitude restriction for the START OF ALL PROCEDURES changed.

**LTAY STARs Revised:**

RWY 23 STAR Designator changed from "1A" to "1J".

Erzurum Approach Available on 124.300.

**LTDA STARs&SIDs Revised:**

RWY 04/22 SID Based on VOR Designator Changed from "1A/1B" to "1Z/1Y"

RWY 04/22 SID Based on NDB Designator Changed from "1C/1D" to "1X/1W"
RWY 04/22 STAR Designator Changed from "1E" to "1U"

**LTFC SIDs Revised:**

RWY 23 SID Designator Changed from "1G" to "1Q"

**LTFM STARs Revised:**

Speed Restriction for FM644 (ERSEN2Q).
Speed Restriction Withdrawn at FM320 (AYTEK2R).
Speed Restriction changed at FM320 from "MAX 250KT" to "250KT" (AYTEK2B).
Speed Restriction Withdrawn at FM320 (AYTEK2Q).
Speed Restriction changed at FM320 from "MAX 250KT" to "250KT" (AYTEK2A).

**LTCR SIDs Revised:**

RWY 21 SID Designator Changed from "1M" to "1Z"

**LTFE STARs Revised:**

RWY 10L STAR KAVAK1F Altitude Restrictions Revised.

RWY 28R STAR KAVAK1J Altitude Restriction Revised.

LTBS SIDs and STARs Revised:

RWY 01/19 SIDs New Altitude Restrictions.

RWY 01/19 STARs New Altitude Restrictions.
WPT "BS503" Renamed "BS509".

**LTBU STARs Revised:**

RWY 22 STAR Designator Changed from "1T" to "1J".
AIRAC 2305Hazar Uymaz   2023-05-18 10:17:46 UTC
- Changed IBLAL point to IBLAX.
- Updated "IBLAL" SIDs of LTFM, LTFJ, LTBA airports to "IBLAX".
- AYTEK point has been added to the Bulgarian border.
- SIDs and STARs added/revised.
- Runway 06/24 has been updated to 06L/24R. Runway 06R/24L is under construction and will not be used in the simulation environment.
- vATIS profiles updated for new AIRAC procedures/enviroment.
AIRAC 2303Hazar Uymaz   2023-03-23 16:34:35 UTC
- EuroScope Guide revised

- TopSkyMaps.txt
- LTAC Star added (HALIL2P)
- LTFM TWYs revised
- LTFE MRVA revised
- MSAW.txt removed

- LTFM Star list updated on .ese file
- TopSkyAirspace.txt Revised (QNH/TL Table)

- LTFM CPDLC completely revised
- Format
- DCL tab usage

NOTE!!: AIRAC 2303 is mandatory for Cross the Pond

You can find any documents needed in Other folder!
!!! You need to config VCCS again !!!
Profiles.txt ve Profiles TopSky.txt updated (Turkey changed to Turkiye and wiki added)
-GRPMaps.txt (Taxiwyas A7 added and taxiways T2, T11 and F is changed to T2=E5, T11=F3 and F=G1) !(Effective Date 23rd March 2023)!
-AYT Notam's active date updated.
-vATIS_introduction revised. (You can find all the introduction files in LTXX/Other folder)
-DiscordEuroscope plugin updated by tech team.
-GRPSettings.txt updated for Mode-S to fix LTFM APW

-CDM Plugin published, we are going to use it for normal operation and also use it for events with BOOKINGS!
- We are going to use it for manage the departure flow.
- Abbreviations:
- EOBT: Estimated off block time.
- TOBT: Target off block time.
- TSAT: Target Start-Up Approval Time.
- TTOT: Target Take Off Time.
- CTOT: Calculated Take Off Time.
- For functions you need to read carefully the readme.
- commands to use
- .cdm master [ICAO] {This command shall only be used by the controller who gives ATC Clearences}
- .cdm slave [ICAO] {This command must used by the other ADC's}
- detailed information
- Master and Slave logic

Based on the radar screenshot:
- Departure list:
- TOBT:Left click on TOBT opens "TOBT Options" which gives you 2 options.
- Ready TOBT: Sets "TOBT" Actual time when you click.
- Edit TOBT: Let you to set TOBT manually by the controller.
- TTOT: No function. Shows the time that when the traffic should depart.
- CTOT: "CTOT Options" only available when an aircraft has CTOT.
- CTOT Options:Only "Remove CTOT" function is available.
- Planes List:
- EOBT:Left click on EOBT opens "EOBT Options" and you will see "Edit EOBT"
- Edit EOBT: Let you to set EOBT manually by the controller.
- E:
- TOBT:Left click on TOBT opens "TOBT Options" which gives you 2 options.
- Ready TOBT: Sets "TOBT" Actual time when you click.
- Edit TOBT: Let you to set TOBT manually by the controller.
- TSAT: No Function. Shows the time that when the traffic should clear for Pushback and Start-up.
- TTOT: No Function. Shows the time that when the traffic should depart.
- CTOT: "CTOT Options" only available when an aircraft has CTOT.
- CTOT Options:Only "Remove CTOT" function is available.
AIRAC 2302 Mid UpdateHazar Uymaz   2023-03-17 23:11:12 UTC
Profiles.txt ve Profiles TopSky.txt updated (Turkey changed to Turkiye and wiki added)
-GRPMaps.txt (Taxiwyas A7 added and taxiways T2, T11 and F is changed to T2=E5, T11=F3 and F=G1) !(Effective Date 23rd March 2023)!
-AYT Notam's active date updated.
-vATIS_introduction revised. (You can find all the introduction files in LTXX/Other folder)
-DiscordEuroscope plugin updated by tech team.
-GRPSettings.txt updated for Mode-S to fix LTFM APW


-CDM Plugin published, we are going to use it for normal operation and also use it for events with BOOKINGS!
- We are going to use it for manage the departure flow.
- Abbreviations:
- EOBT: Estimated off block time.
- TOBT: Target off block time.
- TSAT: Target Start-Up Approval Time.
- TTOT: Target Take Off Time.
- CTOT: Calculated Take Off Time.
- For functions you need to read carefully the readme.
- commands to use
- .cdm master [ICAO] {This command shall only be used by the controller who gives ATC Clearences}
- .cdm slave [ICAO] {This command must used by the other ADC's}
- detailed information
- Master and Slave logic

Based on the radar screenshot:
- Departure list:
- TOBT:Left click on TOBT opens "TOBT Options" which gives you 2 options.
- Ready TOBT: Sets "TOBT" Actual time when you click.
- Edit TOBT: Let you to set TOBT manually by the controller.
- TTOT: No function. Shows the time that when the traffic should depart.
- CTOT: "CTOT Options" only available when an aircraft has CTOT.
- CTOT Options:Only "Remove CTOT" function is available.
- Planes List:
- EOBT:Left click on EOBT opens "EOBT Options" and you will see "Edit EOBT"
- Edit EOBT: Let you to set EOBT manually by the controller.
- E:
- TOBT:Left click on TOBT opens "TOBT Options" which gives you 2 options.
- Ready TOBT: Sets "TOBT" Actual time when you click.
- Edit TOBT: Let you to set TOBT manually by the controller.
- TSAT: No Function. Shows the time that when the traffic should clear for Pushback and Start-up.
- TTOT: No Function. Shows the time that when the traffic should depart.
- CTOT: "CTOT Options" only available when an aircraft has CTOT.
- CTOT Options:Only "Remove CTOT" function is available.
AIRAC 2302Hazar Uymaz   2023-02-25 03:24:24 UTC
- In this AIRAC we are changing to the lastest version of EuroScope (3.2.3). You can find the link end of this message!
NOTE: Please read the cheklist to do it correct otherwise EuroScope/Sector file wont work proparly

- Wake turb group changed from ICAO to RECAT-EU! For detail check the link below.

- VCCS Revised
- GRP & TopSky Maps Revised
- GRP & TopSky Tags Revised for RECAT-EU
- New vATIS profile (LTAA CTR) added for ACC positions which including busy airports like LTFM, LTFJ, LTAC, LTAI etc. in same profile.

Link to new EuroScope Version:

Link to RECAT-EU:
AIRAC 2301 Mid UpdateHazar Uymaz   2023-02-04 11:40:45 UTC
AIRAC 2301 Mid Update:

-VATCAN Plugin added into sectorfile.

-TA-TL Table revised

-Documents revised

-Taxiway **F3** Added at LTFM

- Alias file updated

- GRP plugin LTAC app path fixed + alt filter fixed

- vATIS profiles updated (LTFM_D_ATIS voice problem fixed. All ATIS text are formatted for SimAware to show ATIS letter)

!!! You need to config VCCS again !!!
AIRAC 2301Hazar Uymaz   2023-01-30 22:15:11 UTC
This update, in addition to bug fixes brings a HUGE new addition. SQUAWK MODE-S! :grp: Mode-S is added to 4 airports (LTFM, LTFJ, LTAI, LTAC) which will take immersion to a brand new level. With this addition, you won't be able to see the aircraft unless they squawk mode C. Don't forget to ask them to squawk C before they push back!

The profiles have changed. Now we have Mode-S Airports and Other Airports. Here are the new keybinds:

Mode S Profile:

Other Profile:

If you would like to see detailed changes, here is a list:

-Added Mode S!!!! (LTFM,LTFJ,LTAC,LTAI)
-> Planes will no longer appear with their callsigns, unless they squawk Mode C. (only in LTFM, LTFJ, LTAC and LTAI airports due to realism)
-> GRP profile changed to *Mode S Airports* (LTFM, LTFJ, LTAC, LTAI) and *Other Airports* (GRP Supported airports without Mode S)
-> NEW Ground Visuals with 2nd Map Control
-Added APP Window added to the side (real life replica)
-Added Auto Displaying Approach Path depending on the active runway
-Added Auto Displaying Time to Threshold and DEP Timer depending on the active runway
-Added DEP3A, DEP3B, DEP3F, DEP3G (LTFM) taxi routes
-Fixed Aircraft giving NO TAXI CLEARENCE or NO PUSHBACK CLEARENCE warning despite the aircraft not moving
-Fixed TopSky randomly changing colors of aircraft on ground
-Fixed GRP Gate priority
-Fixed Overall Bugs

We are also changing the font to make EuroScope even prettier!
Make sure you download the new font in discord!
AIRAC 2205Hazar Uymaz   2022-05-19 13:37:10 UTC
AIRAC 2205 Changelog:
-New sector file out, you can find it on (TRvACC-FULL-PACKAGE-V2)
-Ground Layouts revised
-LTFO Sectors added to the sector file and be available after the airport is in use. Currently LTFO is not available to use due to no procedures will not be published via AIRAC 2205.
-vATIS profiles revised:
-Antalya TMA Runway 18L profile issue fixed.
-LTBB_CTR profile added.
-LTFO added to the airports.json, when ATIS frequency is published LTFO will be added to the vATIS under the TRABZON TMA.
-In order to use this read the installation of vATIS inside the Other folder in the Sector file.
-.plc command added to the alias file. You can use it for pilots new to VATSIM.
-New sector file introduction added into LTXX/Other folder, read carefully to fully understand the Sector file.
AIRAC 2111Hazar Uymaz   2021-10-22 19:50:42 UTC
**Effective with AIRAC 2111**

With AIRAC 2111, we've updated the whole Ankara sectors, added the missing ones too and we have now all 19 sectors including upper sectors too, just like the real life one. For this update we coordinated with our neighbour vACCs so it's important to have this update, otherwise you'll have problems since you won't have the same borders with the neighbours, it will also effect TMA and Center sectors too. So this update is mandatory for all controllers. With this update I also added 2 text files in the main folder which will autoupdate the sector file with each AIRAC automaticaly without changing settings files. These 2 text files require a short installation process and I'll explain how to with pictures at our Discord server.

AIRAC 2111 ile tüm Ankara sektörlerine güncelleme yapıldı, eksik sektörler eklendi ve upper sektörler eklendi. Böylece gerçek hayatta var olan tüm sektörler artık bizim de sektör dosyamızın içinde var. Bu güncellemeyi yapabilmek için komşu vACC'ler ile koordineli bir çalışma yürüttük, bizim sektörümüze uyum sağlayacak şekilde sınırlarda ufak değişiklikler yaptık. Bu nedenle bu güncellemeyi yapmazsanız komşu vACC'ler ile olan sınırlarda problem yaşayabilirsiniz. Ayrıca TMA kontrolörleri ve Center kontrolörleri arasında da bu problem olacaktır. Bu yüzden bu güncelleme tüm ATC'ler için zorunludur. Bu güncelleme ile ana klasöre 2 metin dosyası ekledim. Bu metin dosyaları ufak bir kurulum gerektiriyor, bu kurulumun ardından her AIRAC güncellemesi otomatik olarak Euroscope üzerinden yapılabilecek. Bu güncelleme sadece sektör dosyasını ve ICAO dosyalarını değiştireceği için kullanıcı ayarları bozulmadan kullanabilirsiniz. Kurulumun nasıl yapılacağını Discord server'ında fotoğraflarla daha sonra anlatacağım