Airac 2013 V2Patrick Weineis   2020-12-05 17:36:37 UTC
Corrected STAR drawing
new sort order for arrival
Airac 2013 V1Patrick Weineis   2020-11-18 10:47:27 UTC
changed active sector color to darkblue, instead of grey
changed FIR-Boarders to white instead of black
addet CTR regions in green
removed LZR231A.231B due Information on real time of activity from:Bratislava ACC FREQ 134,475 MHz
addet draw Arrival in maps (they are automaticly activated acc. rwy selection and appear based on zoom level)
Airac 2012 V2Patrick Weineis   2020-11-05 12:16:37 UTC
splittet radar screen into LZBB_CTR and LZBB_APP
reworked radar targets to real life target
reworked sector inbound and sector exit list, due missing stuff in targets
Airac 2008 V1Patrick Weineis   2020-07-09 20:15:59 UTC
changed extendet centerline 04 to extendet centerline 22
changed extendet centerline 13 to extendet centerline 22

fixed ATIS files