AIRAC 2104Ali Badreldeen 2021-05-06 14:59:16 UTC
Changes from the previous version are as follows
- [SECTOR] OBBB sector definitions and COPX redefined
- [MISC] Compatibility with the latest beta of Euroscope
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2104
- [SECTOR] New coastline data
- [PLUGINS] Updated RouteChecker database file
- [PLUGINS] Kuwait MSSR and TAR redefined
- [PLUGINS] SUA information blank by default
- [PLUGINS] GRplugin NOTAM extension and stand 2 closure
- [PLUGINS] TopSky STAR transitions added
- [PLUGINS] TopSky airway MNM and MAX altitudes added
- [PLUGINS] Adjacent sector frequencies displayed through TopSky when online
- [ASR] Removed ECL, now displayed through TopSky MAPS
- [SETTINGS] New departure lists
- [SETTINGS] Removed unnecessary title menu settings
- [SECTOR] Added points HOTEL, ROMEO and SPARK
- [WIP] MOH profile and sector redefinitions + ASDE-X | Skydive Kuwait | RD SUA
NOTE: No update package is included with the release. This requires a full clean install of the sector file!
AIRAC 2103Ali Badreldeen 2021-03-25 17:46:19 UTC
Changes from the previous version are as follows
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2103
- [PLUGINS] Updated RouteChecker database file
- [PLUGINS] Updated GR runway buffer during LVPs
The update package should only be used if your currently installed version is AIRAC2102 or later. If you have a version older than this you must perform a full clean install, otherwise, the sector may not work correctly!
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2102/3Ali Badreldeen 2021-03-13 06:51:55 UTC
Changes from the previous version are as follows
- [SECTOR] Sector handoff issues corrected
- [ALIAS] Added .route and .routefull for
- [PLUGINS] Updated RouteChecker database file
- [PLUGINS] Adjusted TopSky special use airspace definitions
- [PLUGINS] Revised GRplugin stand allocation and wingspan limitation
- [SETTINGS] Added route matrix to profiles and simplified ATIS lines
The update package should only be used if your currently installed version is AIRAC2102 or later. If you have a version older than this you must perform a full clean install, otherwise, the sector may not work correctly!
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2102Ali Badreldeen 2021-02-26 13:41:04 UTC
- [SECTOR] Adjusted Mode-S Radar Slope
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2102
- [SECTOR] Sector structure has been completely redefined
- [SECTOR] Removed ACC sector split
- [SECTOR] Corrected LAT_max filter, added missing fixes
- [SECTOR] Updated all sector identifiers
- [PLUGINS] Updated to latest TopSky files
- [PLUGINS] TopSky Maps now display obstacles and aerodromes
- [PLUGINS] TopSky Areas displayed by default
- [PLUGINS] Adjusted TopSky system settings
- [PLUGINS] Updated GRplugin Maps closure areas, removed decommissioned stands 60-62
and corrected positions of linking taxiways
- [PLUGINS] Revised GRplugin stand allocation and positioning
- [SETTINGS] Symbology slightly modified to match the real world
- [PLUGINS] Implemented RouteChecker plugin for OKBK (by Nils Dornbusch)
- [PLUGINS] Added GRplugin Event Stands for the Middle East
- [PLUGINS] Point MIKE added to TopSky Maps
NOTE: No update package is included with the release. This requires a full clean install of the sector file!
AIRAC 2101Ali Badreldeen 2021-01-11 18:16:58 UTC
- [PLUGINS] TopSky MSA definitions corrected
- [SECTOR] Fixed B1A sector ownership issues
- [PLUGINS] Fixed domestic squawks not being generated correctly
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2101
- [ALIAS] Updated alias
- [PLUGINS] Updated TopSky to 2.3.1 Beta 4
- [PLUGINS] Adjusted OKBK stand allocation for correct identification
- [PLUGINS] Adjusted colours
- [PLUGINS] Added closed section of E1 to GRplugin maps
- [PLUGINS] GRplugin maps labels
- [SETTINGS] Updated lists
- [PLUGINS] Added TopSky SID/STAR procedures for OKBK
The update package should only be used if your currently installed version is AIRAC2014 or later. If you have a version older than this you must perform a full clean install, otherwise the sector may not work correctly!
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2014/2Ali Badreldeen 2021-01-03 19:31:13 UTC
Changes from the previous version are as follows
- [ALIAS] Adjusted text lines
- [PLUGINS] Corrected GRplugin Labels
- [PLUGINS] Adjusted GRplugin Settings
- [SETTINGS] Symbology changes
- [PLUGINS] Added GRplugin Stands
The update package should only be used if your currently installed version is AIRAC2013 or later. If you have a version older than this you must perform a full clean install, otherwise the sector may not work correctly!
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2014Ali Badreldeen 2020-12-31 16:08:34 UTC
Changes from the previous version are as follows
- Corrected issue with GULF_FSS displaying APP sector line
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2014
- [PLUGINS] Minor changes to TopSky settings files
- [ASR] Cleaned up ACC ASR, as these have been moved into TopSky maps
- [SETTINGS] Extended centerlines adjusted
- [SECTORS] FIN sector definition added. It must be manually configured through the SO setup
- [PLUGINS] TopSky Maps now display all fixes, IAFs display when zoomed in
The update package should only be used if your currently installed version is AIRAC2013 or later. If you have a version older than this you must perform a full clean install, otherwise the sector may not work correctly!
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
Any questions, comments & suggestions may be sent to:
AIRAC 2013Ali Badreldeen 2020-12-03 18:12:30 UTC
Changes from the previous version are as follows
- [SECTOR] Fixed AS, AJ and DI Runways
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2013
- [PLUGINS] Updated to Ground Radar version 1.4.3, MAESTRO 1.0 and TopSky
- [PLUGINS] GRplugin Approach window
- [PLUGINS] Created Ground Radar maps
- [PLUGINS] Slightly adjusted ground radar colors
- [PLUGINS] Implemented TopSky CPDLC (Hoppie)
- [PLUGINS] Updated TopSky symbology
- [SETTINGS] Changed list items to work with TopSky
- [ASR] Cleaned up GMC ASR, moved into GR maps
- [SECTORS] Added Point ZULU
No update package is included with release, this requires a full clean install of the sector file.
As always, questions, comments & suggestions:
Yours truly, Li BAD
AIRAC 2012Ali Badreldeen 2020-11-09 12:22:49 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2012
- [SECTOR] Minor changes in COPX levels
- [PLUGINS] Updated Topsky to 2.3.1 beta 2
- [PLUGINS] TopSky RDF_Accuracy set to 2
- [PLUGINS] RDF configured through TopSky
- [PLUGINS] Updated GRPlugin to 1.4 beta 2
- [SETTINGS] Minor changes to the lists
NOTE: No update package is included with release. This requires a full clean install of the sector file!
Questions, comments, suggestions:
Yours truly, Li BAD
AIRAC 2011Ali Badreldeen 2020-10-08 18:02:35 UTC
[SECTOR] Corrected all COPX Fixes
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2011
- [ASR] Removed ADC
- [PLUGINS] Updated Topsky to 2.3.1 Beta 1
- [PLUGINS] New TopSky symbols
- [PLUGINS] Disabled active areas
- [PLUGINS] AMAN colors
- [SETTINGS] Indra symbology package
- [SETTINGS] ARTCC high linestyle changed to "Solid"
- [SETTINGS] New lists
- [PLUGIN] Optional vSMR config
- [ASR] GMC - vSMR (WIP - TopSky list functions may not work)
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.