AIRAC 2012Ali Badreldeen 2020-11-09 12:22:49 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2012
- [SECTOR] Minor changes in COPX levels
- [PLUGINS] Updated Topsky to 2.3.1 beta 2
- [PLUGINS] TopSky RDF_Accuracy set to 2
- [PLUGINS] RDF configured through TopSky
- [PLUGINS] Updated GRPlugin to 1.4 beta 2
- [SETTINGS] Minor changes to the lists
NOTE: No update package is included with release. This requires a full clean install of the sector file!
Questions, comments, suggestions:
Yours truly, Li BAD
AIRAC 2011Ali Badreldeen 2020-10-08 18:02:35 UTC
[SECTOR] Corrected all COPX Fixes
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2011
- [ASR] Removed ADC
- [PLUGINS] Updated Topsky to 2.3.1 Beta 1
- [PLUGINS] New TopSky symbols
- [PLUGINS] Disabled active areas
- [PLUGINS] AMAN colors
- [SETTINGS] Indra symbology package
- [SETTINGS] ARTCC high linestyle changed to "Solid"
- [SETTINGS] New lists
- [PLUGIN] Optional vSMR config
- [ASR] GMC - vSMR (WIP - TopSky list functions may not work)
The update package contains all the files which need to be replaced including ASR and settings files. Although not recommended, if you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles and settings files, please ensure that they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 2010Ali Badreldeen 2020-09-10 19:28:44 UTC
- [SECTOR] Sector definitions corrected
- [SECTOR] Updated COPX points for OBBB
- [SECTOR] Corrected Kuwait CTA boundary definitions
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2010
- [SETTINGS] Symbology changes
- [SETTINGS] Removed TWR and APP tags
- [SETTINGS] Radar limits - 500'/UNL
- [SECTOR] Sector definitions corrected
- [SECTOR] Secondary approach position
- [SECTOR] Corrected Kuwait CTA boundary definitions
- [SECTOR] Kuwait Approach delegated area removed
- [SECTOR] Updated COPX points for OBBB
- [REGIONS] Ground layouts updated for OKBK
- [GEO] Added Range rings to ADC ASR
- [PLUGINS] TopSky updated to version 2.3
- [PLUGINS] GRplugin updated to version 1.3
- [PLUGINS] MAESTRO updated to beta 5
- [PLUGINS] TopSky squawk ranges corrected
- [PLUGINS] Precision approach plugin implementation
- [PLUGINS] Mode S plugin implementation
- [MISC] Display Area changed
- [SECTOR] Secondary approach position
- [PLUGINS] Precision approach plugin implementation
- [PLUGINS] Mode S plugin implementation
- [GEO] Added Range rings to ADC ASR
- [ASR] New displays
No update package is included with release. This requires a full clean install of the sector file
Questions, comments, suggestions:
AIRAC 2009Ali Badreldeen 2020-08-13 14:18:23 UTC
- [SECTOR] Issue with Tehran sector boundary fixed
- [MISC] Adjusted display area
- Complete redesign of airspace structure and sector ownership
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2009
- [SECTOR] New OKBK ground layout
- [SECTOR] New OKBK construction
- [SECTOR] Added Prohibited + Danger Areas
- [SECTOR] Updated SMR displays + Freetext data
- [SECTOR] Corrected OKBK CTA sector definitions
- [SECTOR] Adjusted OKBK CTA as it's no longer delegated IRL
- [SECTOR] Corrected OKBK ACC sector definitions
- [SECTOR] Corrected OKBK_E definitions
- [SECTOR] Updated magnetic variation
- [SECTOR] Updated sector limits
- [SECTOR] Fixed position callsigns and frequencies
- [PLUGINS] Updated TopSky plugin to Beta 15
- [PLUGINS] Updated Ground Radar plugin to Beta 8
- [SETTINGS] Realistic Symbology pack
- [SETTINGS] Extended centerline tick intervals = 1
- [SETTINGS] Trasition altitude = 13000
- [ATIS] Removed old ATIS. Please use the vATIS profile. Located in the plugins folder
- [SOUNDS] New sounds added
- [ALIAS] Revised alias
- [ASR] Ground Mode Config
- Updated Positions/Frequencies
- [SECTOR] Added Prohibited + Restricted Areas
- [SECTOR] OKBK_F_APP boundaries (WIP)
- [SECTOR] OKBK_F_APP selected configs (WIP)
- [REGIONS] New color scheme
- [PLUGINS] TopSky plugin Implementation
- [PLUGINS] GRPlugin plugin Implementation
- [PLUGINS] MAESTRO plugin Implementation
- [PLUGINS] RDF plugin Implementation
- [PLUGINS] vATIS profile included
- [TAGS] Updated tag families - GRPlugin - TopSky
- [ASR] New displays
No update package is included with release. This requires a full clean install of the sector file
Questions, comments, suggestions:
AIRAC 2006Suprojit Paul 2020-05-22 10:00:57 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 2006
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 1904Chriss Klosowski 2019-04-06 07:43:23 UTC
- Removed VCA plugin.
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 1904
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 1903Chriss Klosowski 2019-03-08 03:41:56 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 1903
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named differently than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 1813Chriss Klosowski 2018-12-06 13:42:17 UTC
- [NAVDATA] Applied AIRAC 1813
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named different than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 1812Chriss Klosowski 2018-11-09 08:21:48 UTC
- [SECTORS] Fixed the boundary and sector lines for Jeddah (OEJD_CTR)
The update package contains all the files which necessarily have to be replaced and the standard ASR profiles. No setting files (from the settings folder, except the voice channels) will be overwritten. If you wish to use your own personalized ASR profiles, make sure they are named different than the ones provided with this package.
AIRAC 1811Chriss Klosowski 2018-10-12 01:48:18 UTC
* Applied AIRAC 1811
* Fixed an issue between Saudi Sectors not showing up
* Alias
The update package contains only the files which necessarily have to be replaced. No setting files (for individual settings) will be overwritten. The provided updated setting files have to be copied manually from the full package in case you want to use them.