Airac 1912 V2Patrick Weineis 2019-11-18 12:46:12 UTC
Updated Hoppie logon stations
Updated wrong ATIS.txt (missing 000, + and -)
addet some FLAS COPX points
addet WX radar coordinates
Airac 1911 V2Patrick Weineis 2019-10-15 08:01:51 UTC
Updated AFV_Bridge Plugin
Updated Topsky Plugin
Updated Groundradar Plugin
corrected SIDSTAR plugin for LOWS departure
corrected LOWW_D_APP (rwy11/29) LOWW_F_APP (rwy16/34)
changed "controller voice server" to hide in standart
changed "Piloting table" (simulated traffic) to hide in standart
Airac 1911 V1Patrick Weineis 2019-10-13 19:43:54 UTC
removed Voice Server due AFV
removed Push to talk assignment due AFV
removed ATIS wav files due AFV
addet AfvEuroScopeBridge.dll plugin
corrected LOWS_GND.asr, wrong airport entered in file result in no traffic shown on ground
changed ARR/DEP colour to Real standart (pink=departing, green=arriving)
Airac 1910 V1Patrick Weineis 2019-08-25 00:45:54 UTC
changed font + fontsize of Groundplugin
Airac 1909 V1Patrick Weineis 2019-08-15 15:17:01 UTC
corrected SIDSTAR file
changed some settings for parking LOWW
addet ADRIA radar in VCCS
Airac 1908 V1Patrick Weineis 2019-07-09 04:03:36 UTC
addet G71 G72 stand
addet GAC stands to Groundradar plugin
delete GAC East NOTAM A0011-19
delete A97 - A99 NOTAM A0012-19
Adjusted D28 max wingspan/lenght NOTAM A0053-18
Updated traffic via .... expect 34/16 (due WGM delete)
Airac 1907 V1Patrick Weineis 2019-05-27 12:07:52 UTC
-improved "J.wav " file
-addet NAP.wav
-addet taxiwayrestrictions for LOWG
-LOWW del SOVIL1X dep
-LOXZ add WIMMI1D/F dep
-LOWI add NANIT2A arr
Airac 1904 V2Patrick Weineis 2019-04-02 18:12:45 UTC
Updated Topsky callsign (EJU, FRS, ...)
Corrected LOVV_S_CTR airspace
Airac 1904 V1Patrick Weineis 2019-03-09 22:16:12 UTC
addet groundfixes for LOAN, LOAV, LOLW (must be activated if not used the "LOVV Full Update")
addet groundfix Ex21 at LOWW (must be activated if not used the "LOVV Full Update")
addet LOVV_S_CTR (LOWG,LOWK,LOWI if LOVV_CTR is offline, automaticly assigned for complete austria)
addet LOXT_APP
updated Topsky_Callsign's
CTR LOWG now up to 4.500ft
LOD22,LOD24,LOD25a,LOD26,LOD27,LOD30 changed altitutes
COPX for LZIB set to 7.000ft acc. real procedure
Airac 1901 V1Patrick Weineis 2019-01-07 03:24:50 UTC
displaced A12 highway out of LOWI airport