airac 2010 V1Patrick Weineis   2020-08-30 03:33:05 UTC
checked and corrected all VFR Fixes

Changed linestyle for ARTCC high to "solid".
Changed linestyle for ARTCC to "dash-dot".
Changed linestyle for ARTCC low to "dot".

Added "disabled,disability,impaired" to Label_Field18_Flag_Items.

Added LKAA to Mode-S Area.

Sectorfile Delta:
Reordered Maps in different categories to allow for different draw styles.
airac 2009 V1Patrick Weineis   2020-07-27 13:00:54 UTC
Missing Grounddesignator in LOXT addet
Missing Helipads in LOXT addet
addet missing LOXT profiles and ASR files
Missing MTMA LOXT5 addet to LOXZ_APP Airspace
All feeder (excluding LOWW) deleted, not available in reality
disabled all LOD/LOR (except LOR15) in the ASR files (Topsky controlled)
Login Profile for LOXT addet

disabled Pro Mode (wrong Squawks are visible again, but Squawk-C is not visible in APP Window of Groundplugin)
addet LOXT

airac 2008 V1Patrick Weineis   2020-07-06 20:44:12 UTC
addet "S" VFR Fix in LOWK

addet LOVV_M_CTR (Military)
changed LOWZ_TWR frequency

addet missing FL210 restriction at MASUR/BALAD/NIGSI for ARR LZIB

LOXZ ATIS is now available
airac 2007 V2Patrick Weineis   2020-06-27 21:43:58 UTC
removed TULN MTA if LOXT_APP is offline
airac 2007 V1Patrick Weineis   2020-05-30 17:35:38 UTC
changed E9 to manual assignment (to prevent confusion due position deleted charts )

New Topsky update
Addet MTMA Tulln in Airspace managment
RDF lower limit 4000ft

Squawk for LOVV fixed again
addet missing LOXT_APP Station
change LOXT to active airport for LOWW_N_APP (if LOXT_APP offline)
airac 2006 V1Patrick Weineis   2020-05-17 20:34:55 UTC
Groundlayout LOWW addet missing A7/A8 and B5 text
LOWI_TWR planes should be now shown in green when the sector

Flights to LHPB via LZBB airspace should automaticly set LHCC_W_CTR as next station if LZBB/EURE is offline

new releaser, please update .dll manualy
addet gate blockage to neighbour stands, if plane is to big for current position
addet G16/G26/G36/E97/E98/E99

airac 2005 V2Patrick Weineis   2020-04-27 21:19:07 UTC
updated callsigns in Topsky and Groundplugin
ATIS: replaced DITIS with BUWUT in DEP29/34
SIDSTAR plugin: replaced DITIS departure with BUWUT
Groundplugin: GAC-W renamed in GAC
airac 2005 V1Patrick Weineis   2020-04-23 12:17:32 UTC
LOVV don't assign local 46xx Squawks anymore
LOWI LOC DME East rwy08 fixed missing ADWIG waypoint
Airac 2004 V2Patrick Weineis   2020-03-28 16:39:34 UTC
corrected not connected line at ground
corrected sectorsplit Ground only shown between ground when W_GND is online (TWR will see split also if West is offline)
VFR Mode-S will receive now Squawk 7000
VFR Squawks LOWG/I/K/L/S_APP temporary fixed
fixed Squawkmode S with Transatlantik aircrafts
Airac 2004 V1Patrick Weineis   2020-03-17 22:27:30 UTC
COPX now for all CTR controller visible
LZIB APP boarder missing fixed
A8x stands renamed to A6x
changed Ground split TL36 east of TL37 now West Ground
fixed Tag Family at LOWW_TWR
Squawkmode S will now also be assigned if A/C fly Transatlantik