Airac 2111 V1Patrick Weineis 2022-11-03 18:35:49 UTC
-) Fixed missing NOTAMs
-) New map 29-nite in Category LOWW
Airac 2210 V2Patrick Weineis 2022-10-09 20:13:39 UTC
reverted LOVV Callsign change
fixed "could not assign gate" msg in LOWI and LOWK
Airac 2210 V1Patrick Weineis 2022-10-05 22:48:36 UTC
renamed all LOVV station into LOVV-x_CTR format
addet LOVV-W15_CTR which is only responsible for the complete ACC-W Sector
reorder LOVV-C_CTR in W1 sector
New Topsky version
Topsky Changes:
-) South transition in LOWI 26 HIRO moved 2nm to the south.
-) All LOWI_ stations can now use keyboard shortcuts to send aircraft to certain sectors:
+<1>: Transfer to LOWI_APP
+<2>: Transfer to LOWI_E_APP or LOWI_S_APP (whichever is online)
+<3>: Transfer to LOWI_F_APP (Arrival)
New DELHEL version
-) also give now Squawk when checking the FPL
Airac 2209 V2Patrick Weineis 2022-09-10 08:08:19 UTC
Bugfixing LOWI COPX points
changed HIRO Map for LOWI
Addet Missing Holdings:
Airac 2209 V1Patrick Weineis 2022-08-24 14:20:21 UTC
New topsky version
New LOWI Sectorization and Stations (do not use until procedure is written)
Airac 2208 V1Patrick Weineis 2022-08-03 17:51:59 UTC
Fixed south FIR Boarder
addet TRA and Hang- and para gliding areas
Airac 2205 V1Patrick Weineis 2022-05-17 14:51:09 UTC
New Groundradar plugin version
rebuild Topsky Map
Airac 2204 V1Patrick Weineis 2022-04-05 10:58:39 UTC
corrected Stand A51-A59 and TL18 & TL19
corrected VFR fixes
optimized Gate detection in LOWI,LOWW
new plugin version (manualy update)
airac 2203 V2Patrick Weineis 2022-03-26 13:31:35 UTC
Set all data do Summer time
new Topsky version
corrected Server URL
corrected LOWW_APP and LOWG_APP
includet Eurocontrol Stations
Airac 2203 V1Patrick Weineis 2022-03-01 17:53:35 UTC
addet CPDLC Codes for LHCC and ADRIA
new Plugin versions (settings are not compatible with old version!!)
new Plugin versions (settings are not compatible with old version!!)
TAGS without status are hidden (settings/Lables/Ground/No State)(tag will be shown if State is set, mouse corsur is at Groundradar bar or aircraft is moving)
VCCS changed
Page1 internal stations
Page2 external stations