Airac 2303 V1Patrick Weineis 2023-03-11 11:31:21 UTC
Addet Airfields/Heliports: LODV, LODW, LOBL, LOBU, LODV, LOST
addet LOWI VFR Rep point KILO
addet LOR9, LOR,10 LOR11
Addet ACC-x6 Sectors
changed all LOWI SID to FL120
corrected wrong SID in LOWL and LOWS
new IASsure.dll file, please update manual
Airac 2302 V1Patrick Weineis 2023-02-14 16:22:39 UTC
Bugfix Topsky MABOD transition show routing to russia
Airac 2301 V2Patrick Weineis 2023-02-02 20:03:38 UTC
Bugfix FLAS LOWK descent FL170 from W1
Airac 2301 V1Patrick Weineis 2023-01-26 07:02:58 UTC
adjusted LOWW transition designator
Airac 2213 V2Patrick Weineis 2022-12-30 03:47:05 UTC
Bugfix radar tags
Airac 2213 V1Patrick Weineis 2022-12-28 14:43:14 UTC
new Plugin
IASsure.dll, activate as instructed in at
Update Plugin
Groundradar.dll is updated to V1.5
Update Tags for IASsure plugin
new Position LKAA_APP (cover LKAA below FL125)
Airac 2112 V1Patrick Weineis 2022-11-26 19:00:08 UTC
delete LOVV_W15_CTR position
adjusted Upper Limit of Zita (Aviano, Italy) to FL295
Airac 2111 V1Patrick Weineis 2022-11-03 18:35:49 UTC
-) Fixed missing NOTAMs
-) New map 29-nite in Category LOWW
Airac 2210 V2Patrick Weineis 2022-10-09 20:13:39 UTC
reverted LOVV Callsign change
fixed "could not assign gate" msg in LOWI and LOWK
Airac 2210 V1Patrick Weineis 2022-10-05 22:48:36 UTC
renamed all LOVV station into LOVV-x_CTR format
addet LOVV-W15_CTR which is only responsible for the complete ACC-W Sector
reorder LOVV-C_CTR in W1 sector
New Topsky version
Topsky Changes:
-) South transition in LOWI 26 HIRO moved 2nm to the south.
-) All LOWI_ stations can now use keyboard shortcuts to send aircraft to certain sectors:
+<1>: Transfer to LOWI_APP
+<2>: Transfer to LOWI_E_APP or LOWI_S_APP (whichever is online)
+<3>: Transfer to LOWI_F_APP (Arrival)
New DELHEL version
-) also give now Squawk when checking the FPL